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NodeOS: lightweight operating system by Jesús Leganés-Combarro

NodeOS: lightweight operating system by Jesús Leganés-Combarro

NodeOS is a free lightweight operating system built on top of the Linux kernel using Node.js for its userspace. Here I’m going to talk about it’s use cases, architecture and the problems found developing an operating system from scratch using Javascript...
Changing live audio with the web-audio-api by Sam Bellen

Changing live audio with the web-audio-api by Sam Bellen

As a guitar player, I usually use some effect-pedals to change the sound of my guitar. I started wondering: “What if, it would be possible to recreate these pedals using the web-audio-api?”. Well, it turns out, it is entirely possible to do so. This talk takes you...
Progressive Image Rendering by José Manuel Pérez Pérez

Progressive Image Rendering by José Manuel Pérez Pérez

On a regular web page, images represent the largest assets. We might have heard about responsive images to serve the most suitable image for each screen. However, how and when we load them can have a great impact too. I will show you several techniques used by well...
The web these days by James Halliday (substack)

The web these days by James Halliday (substack)

Using the power of small single-purpose modules, we will explore what is possible on the web platform these days: databases, peer to peer, sneakernet, graphics and music! James Halliday (substack) Author of many small javascript packages Otros vídeos del JSDay17 No se...
Construcción de APIs con Swagger/OpenAPIs por Pedro J. Molina

Construcción de APIs con Swagger/OpenAPIs por Pedro J. Molina

La definición de un contrato de API, permite paralelizar trabajos a los equipos de backend y frontend. Este último puede agilizar su parte empleado mocks sin esperar al equipo de backend. En este contexto, Swagger se ha convertido en un estándar de facto para la...
ES7 & ES8 vs V8 por Rafael Casuso Romate

ES7 & ES8 vs V8 por Rafael Casuso Romate

Una revisión en profundidad de las características del último estándar de nuestro lenguaje favorito ES2016 (ES7) y de las ya incluidas en ES2017 (ES8, que saldrá a finales de Abril), incluidas las Funciones Asíncronas (que nos permiten gestionar la asincronía con...